Our Vision for BVCC Women

• We CONNECT through small group environments and special events;

• We LEARN by studying the Bible, God's Word;

• We GROW as we live out what we've learned; 

• We SERVE as we invest in others by being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Get Connected Into Community!

Bonita Valley Women's Bible Study 

WHO: All women, 18 years and up

 TIME: Starting Thursday, August 8 at 10am or 6:30pm

 WHERE: Life Center Gym, childcare provided

We are currently on break for the months of June and July, but please stay tuned for details on our next study that will begin on Thursday, August 8.

What should I expect my first time attending?

  1. We will greet you at the door and get you connected to a small group table.
  2. Bring your Bible and your own beverage (coffee? water?)
  3. We offer childcare in the Life Center.  If you are not sure where to take them we will help you get there!
For more information or questions please contact our BVCC Women's Pastor at pastorjoani@bonitavalley.com

BVCC Moms Connected 

Are you a mom seeking connection, encouragement & empowerment in this crazy task of "motherhood"? We have a place for you to fellowship and grow with other moms...because we “get what it means to be a mom!”

Fall 2024 Schedule

Fall 2024 Schedule will be posted soon, but please mark your calendar for our first meeting on Monday, August 12.
WHEN:  2nd & 4th Mondays of the month (varies due to holidays)
TIME:  7:00 to 8:30 pm
WHERE:  Fireside Room – upstairs in the Life Center
Childcare is available
BVCC Moms Connected: